When using the PlanetScaleDB Operator on your own clusters, we do not have access to your installation or configuration.  Because of this, when contacting support it is useful to send us as much information as possible upfront.  This will reduce back-and-forth to obtain this information from you.

Where is the information we ask you to collect.  None of this information should contain sensitive information about your deployment, e.g. values like passwords, secrets, etc.;  but you still may want to handle them securely.


The steps documented here assume the following shell variables are defined:

  • NAMESPACE: the namespace in which the operator is installed.

These steps also assume that kubectl is configured to talk to the desired cluster.

Operator Installation

This captures information about how the operator itself is deployed (image version, flags, etc.):

$ kubectl get crd planetscaleclusters.planetscale.com -o yaml > operator-crd.yaml

$ kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" get deploy planetscale-operator2 -o yaml > operator-deployment.yaml

Operator Logs

This captures logs generated by the operator:

$ kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" describe pod -l app=planetscale-operator2 > operator-pod.desc

$ kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" logs -l app=planetscale-operator2 --tail=10000 > operator-pod.log

Kubernetes Events

This captures all Kubernetes events in the namespace containing the operator:

$ kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" get events > events.log

Deployed Clusters

This captures the configuration and internal state of all deployed PlanetScaleClusters:

$ for resource in planetscaleclusters vitessclusters vitesscells vitesskeyspaces vitessshards vitessbackupstorages vitessbackups etcdlockservers; do kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" get "${resource}" -o yaml > "${resource}.yaml"; done

Deployed Pods and PVCs

This captures the state of all Pods and PVCs deployed by the operator:

kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" get pod -l planetscale.com/cluster -o yaml > psc-pods.yaml

kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" get pvc -l planetscale.com/cluster -o yaml > psc-claims.yaml

Collecting files generated

Now, you can collect the files generatedin a zip or tar file and send it over to us: 

  • operator-crd.yaml
  • operator-deployment.yaml
  • operator-pod.desc
  • operator-pod.log
  • events.log
  • planetscaleclusters.yaml
  • vitessclusters.yaml
  • vitesscells.yaml
  • vitesskeyspaces.yaml
  • vitessshards.yaml
  • vitessbackupstorages.yaml
  • vitessbackups.yaml
  • etcdlockservers.yaml
  • psc-pods.yaml
  • psc-claims.yaml